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A Naija Grandma shows off swag. See what she did (photos)

A Naija Grandma shows off swag. See what she did (photos) 

This a Nigerian granny in her Jean long shirt, tinted glasses, and earpiece on ear. I know some people her age or even younger will raise eyebrows or frown at her choice of fashion but mama is only enlivening herself and telling us that age is nothing but a number. 
I think this is so timely as it is coming up in a morning as this. So many times we want to do things but we think we are past the age for it or we are concerned about what people will say.  Do what you want to do and make you happy. Take up that career, take up that concept, take up that giant step and also take up that striking pose just like mama(lol)
Let this steer you up as you go out today.  Word for today-be youreslf

Whose Grandma is this?  Help us hail am... E no easy. 


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